Just thought I would take a min and give ten reasons I just LOVE my little BOY!!!
1. He keeps me on my toes!! You never know what he is going to be up to next! From digging in the fridge to climbin on the counter! His new favorite thing is to tear all the cushins off the couch and play cars
2. When he comes and wakes me up first thing in the morning and asks to watch Play house Disney!! He is more concerned with watching his morning cartoons than eating breakfast!!
3. I just love listening to him sing along to songs from the cartoons that he watches!! Sometimes he will sing along to songs in the car too... my favorite one he sings is "I kissed a girl" it is too cute.
4. His kisses!! He puckers up so BIG!!!! It is just too cute!! His new thing is to kiss like the french.. one kiss on each cheek... He is such a LOVER!!
5. He is so stubborn!! That is how I know for sure he is my CHILD!! :)
6. I love when I catch him doing something he should not be doing... He will look up at me and smile and say.. "Well HELLO mama!!"
7. Watching him play puts a huge smile on my face!! Today we went to the park and he was playing with his cars on the playground and he was making me laugh the whole time we were there!!!
8. When he points at my belly and says look mom a six pack!! (thanks for teaching him that one mom) too bad it is more like a keg not a six pack... lol
9.His EYES!! Even when he is being naughty he still has this look in his baby blues that he is so sweet and innocent!!!
10. I love that he is mine!! I love waking up to him everyday and when he is with his dad the first thing I do is call him in the mornings! When he is sleeping I sneak in and watch him! When he makes me smile and laugh cause he is a silly lil boy. Even when he is stubborn and naughty he still finds a way to make me laugh!! I love this little boy and would be lost with out him .....
As most of my friends are sending their kids off the school this week I think to myself.. Man my turn is coming quick and I am trying to avoid it!! I want him to stay little forever!! I can't imagine him being away at school all day! So I guess I will just enjoy him while he is still home with me!!